Sunday, August 24, 2014


I intend this blog to be a somewhat sporadically maintained record of my attempt to obtain a basic, Amateur Radio license in Canada.

My immediate goals are as follows:

1) Study, read and learn all I can on the subject of Amateur Radio.
2) Pass the exam with at least a mark of 80%
3) Become at least moderate in the use of CW (Morris Code)
4) Join an active Ham Radio club in my area and meet other Hams.
5) Set up a working Ham Shack in my home and make contact

My long term goals are simple, to continue to learn and study and enjoy this fascinating hobby and to encourage others to do the same. I would also like to eventually obtain an advanced license so that I can construct my own equipment, but this is a very long term goal.

Here is a listing of books that I was able to borrow from the Toronto Public Library:
                                     (I just LOVE the LIBRARY)
1) The ARRL handbook for radio communications
2) Ham Radio for Dummies / Silver, H. Ward
3) The beginner's handbook of amateur radio / Clay Laster
4) Direct current fundamentals / Orla E. Loper, Edgar Tedsen
5) The science of radio : with MATLAB and Electronics Workbench demonstrations / Paul J.  Nahin
6) Radio science for the radio amateur : ham radio and the pursuit of scientific exploration and discovery / by Eric P. Nichols
Electronics : a first course / Owen Bishop